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  Selfality: phenomenal Selfness
gary e. davis
June 2020

Neuroscience studies processes that are essential for one’s capabilities, but phenomenal reconstruction of such mentabilities is impossible. Only phenom-enality of enactive effects of such mentabilities is possible. But phenomenally unavailable mentabilities are essentially part of one’s Self:

  • fMRI brain scans of affectivity are far from providing insight into phenomenal feeling (i.e., affect-receptive valuing) or emotion (i.e., affect-responsive intent).
  • Interality might be neuroscientifically understood in terms of mirror neuronality, but that’s far from engaged interrelating.
  • Neuroscience of conation (intending) is far from capturing telicness.
  • Neurocognitivity is far from interested representation. (So called “cogntive” science that involves itself with other modes of mentability is tending toward being mental science. Confining mental science to cognition [cognitive science, strictly defined] either conceals appropriate inquiry into other modes of mentability or should be clear about its special aims as being part of a broader mental science.)

But that fourfold is essential to one’s Self. More developmentally embedded than merely nonconscious (like the grammaticalness of one’s first language), such a fourfold is a-conscious or essentially unavailable to consciousness. I prefer attentionality to ‘consciousness’, so such mentabilities are a-attentional. Likewise with modes of intelligence, whose vaguely defined regions of the brain can be indicated, but for mentability only phenomenally knowable relative to enactive effects “of” phenomenal appeals.

The regioning of a-attentional mentability is a phenomenal mystery of oneSelf, and science of manifold mentability is relatively young (and fated to be relatively useless beyond medical practice).

Non-attentional Self can be brought to phenomenal understanding with methodic inquiry: conceptual habituation can be significantly understood through self reflective conceptual analysis. Grammatical analysis can be made systematic. Psychoanalysis can clarify a lot about feeling and intentionality.

Un-attentional Self (standardly called “unconsciousness”) is a split-off efficacy of disowned psychality: once-suppressed understanding becomes fogotten suppression (repression) which remains unresolved displacement—but imposes itself through somatic difficulties or/and as projectively incriminating others who become unwitting receptacles for one’s irresolvable suppressions. Repression of oneSelf also shows as displacement / exclusion / oppression of the other’s/thing’s significance. This is a standard “Object” in psychotherapy, of course. Understand-ing someone’s distorted relation to Self involves how that personalized Self displaces, excludes, or oppresses. Suppression of oneSelf typically shows as suppression of the other’s/thing’s significance.

Pre-attentional Self can easily be brought into self understanding: values that implicitly orient action; ideals, memories, project-ive importances, etc. Pre-attentional Self is so readily brought to attention that the border between psychality apart from selfidentity is virtually transparent: The notion of S/s differentiation is more useful for differences between ordinary attentionality and what’s commonly elusive (non-attentionality, a-attentionality, un-attentionality), yet shows through phenomenal effects.

However, the whole of Selfality (S/s/p differentiality) may serve creativity— including disclosures of disowned self in dramatic disclosures of implicit Othering “by” others of one’s disowning, [re]found at last, enowned. (That’s integral to dramatic arts.)

In throes of entranced reverie or having attention captured by phenomenal appeals, potentials of feeling, identification, imagination, and possibility may evince themselvs from free association as if originating from phenomenal appeal (aura) itself.

In far horizons of creative thinking, synergies of Self and worldliness—a wholly enhancive world there of Self mirroring, enhancing Self as appellant world drawing one into new “heights” and “depths” of appreciation— may become an Intimacy of window-mirroring mystery.

next—> further aspects of appreciable phenomenality



  Be fair. © 2020, gary e. davis