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January 2018
writing lives

This is a finished project
about an era of a life
Writing(v) lives(v) itself for however writing(n) lives(v) in reader dwelling.
Writing(n) lives(n) last by grace of writing(v) lives(n).

for wording
  sailing, a way...sep 2, 2009
to whom it may concernjul 15, 2010
a little song to myselfaug 26, 2006
a praise of tapestrydec 9, 2010
bibliotropographical enchantmentnov 27, 2009
etymophiliaoct 11, 2009
writer notes
  whatever... thresholdingdec 18, 2010
american childrenoct 16, 2010
J. D. Salinger has died.jan 28, 2010
All the world as high schooljan 29, 2010
one as yetjul 26, 2010
aspects of Saul’s centurynov 19, 2010
a fulfilling life is a good lifeaug 8, 2009
dear Rainerfeb 7, 2010
words of love from a mind being disembodiedfeb 22, 2010
life is strange, then you die.sep 5, 2017
note to babyaug 8, 2010
before theorizing authentic happinessaug 13, 2010
phenomenal time
  where I find yousep 11, 2009
“you”sep 29, 2011
textual windowsjan 30, 2010
an horizonal beautyapr 19, 2011
a note on phenomenologyjan 30, 2010
“You that sang to me once sing to me now”sep 20, 2009
“...a scientist by early inclination...”jan 26, 2010
free associationjan 4, 2010
dear diarydec 24, 2010
notes to Ana
  being here now, there thenjun 25, 2010
days of lettersdec 9, 2009
letterjan 1, 2012
believing in yousep 10, 2011
moments flung across a seeingnov 26, 2016
creative mindingaug 27, 2011
response to indictment for patterning too little informationfeb 24, 2010
ontic lightness with an orangedec 3, 2010
for a deeper prattlejul 1, 2010
true love and fun with confessionjan 1, 2012
playing for keepsmar 19, 2011
textual intimacy, Take 2jan 1, 2012
I've lost you, as I move onaug 30, 2009
dear persiflagersep 1, 2009
to Ada verily awingapr 20, 2016
protean plight: life as assemblage art
  so many topics, so little timesep 22, 2009
fruitful asymmetry, hybridization, kluge, montage, bricolage...may 13, 2008
welcome, summerjun 20, 2010
a topologist in flatlandmar 27, 2010
things as looking upnov 25, 2009
tracessep 3, 2007
mienjul 5, 2009
booknotemay 3, 2011
archive fevermay 11, 2011
inhabitedfeb 26, 2010
fielding resonant feelingFeb 12, 2010
yes, I’m having funjul , 2011
aura of the hydra-headed wise guyjun 5, 2011
aspiration and difficultydec 6, 2010
cogencyapr 1, 2011
you and me and everyone we knowfeb 3, 2010
anticipatory departingjan 9, 2010
philological living
  saturdaynotemay 19, 2012
“everybody’s got a story”feb 23, 2010
art as ethical transgressionnov 18, 2009
the fabric of our livesnov 28, 2009
row, row, row your boat...jul 20, 2014
holding time in being heldmar 20, 2010
being With, inwordlyjan 27, 2010
the deadnov 20, 2009
what are fair sources for stories?jul 10, 2011
memo to Pegeendec 6, 2015
talk about “love”jun 27, 2010
true storylinesdec 14, 2010
earthlingssep 15, 2014
centripetal sitemar 8, 2010
plays of conceptual AEros
  days go byjun 17, 2010
about ‘aletheia’jan 18, 2011
life, world, textapr 15, 2011
“survive with me”sep 27, 2009
“I can think farther than that but I forget”oct 5, 2009
a little formidabilityjul 2, 2010
by the waysep 10, 2017
fielding resonant feelingfeb 12, 2010
a coheringapr 9, 2011
saucy lifesep 17, 2011
finding true love where we cansep 2, 2009
I’m not Sartre’s son.jan 19, 2010
Where are you?jul 13, 2013
Was it something I said ?jun 25, 2011
“You do not know who I am.”jun 27, 2010
all but forgottenfeb 15, 2012
serial affairsmay 31, 2010
touchfeb 21, 2011
texturesmar 11, 2011
to a musefeb 15, 2016
intimations of proper philology
  discursive artdec 3, 2009
some educive growths by a sidewalk, picked for replantingjan 23, 2010
being “literary”feb 14, 2010
reading time: between simulacrumand literary legacymar 31, 2010
longing for peak dwellingnov 19, 2009
poiesisjan 31, 2010
christmasdec 25, 2010
soothing W. H. Audendec 27, 2009
prologue for a marriagefeb 7, 2010
status update: Flourishing welloct 30, 2011
ethical art, artful living: discursive homemakingfeb 8, 2010
“...but for the artist’s creative concept...”oct 16, 2009
textual intimacyapr 3, 2010
life as literary psychologyapr 3, 2010
loving to make an academic issuefeb 20, 2011
about conceptualities of literary livingsep 5, 2015
night notemay 6, 2010
  © 2018, gary e. davis